靈感來源自我們發現各自睡前都會胡思亂想的經驗,以水循環作腳本的主要情景架構作延伸創作,呈現少女午夜時分的內心世界。​​​​​​​透過投影、裝置、現場表演三方面配合,希望呈現出詩句躍然在空氣中 、少女的床成為了河川等等,仿如「繪本」的聲音映畫劇場。
The inspiration comes from our shared experiences of wandering thoughts before bedtime. Using the water cycle as the main script structure, we extend the creation to portray the inner world of a girl during midnight. Through the collaboration of projection, installation, and live performance, we aim to present verses vividly in the air. The girl's bed becomes a river, and more, resembling an 'illustrated book' sound and visual theater.
Artist|羅翊凌 謝昕亞 楊可兒

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